Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Presa bate iar campii

Citeam azi-dimineata feed-urile si mi-a atras atentia un titlu "Lars Ulrich vrea să se alăture trupei Deep Purple".
Ulrich s-a oferit să cânte alături de David Coverdale, Glenn Hughes şi Jon Lord, dacă celebrul trio decide să organizeze un turneu mondial, aşa cum aceştia au sugerat recent.
M-am uitat putin ciudat, pentru ca stiu ca David Coverdale, Glenn Hughes si Jon Lord nu fac parte din line-up-ul actual al trupei. Daca s-ar reuni (asa cum sustinea articolul respectiv), probabil am asista la un fenomen petrecut prin Romania innainte de '89: doua trupe cunoscute cu acelasi nume, dar cu formula diferita. Ce au uitat reporterii respectivi sa precizeze este ca e vorba de Deep Purple Mk III(mark III).
Si, investigand mai in amanunt situatia, am ajuns aici, unde am dat peste urmatorul comunicat.
It all seems like a lot of hot air and wild speculation to me.
I like Lars and what he has achieved with Metallica. He’s obviously always been very complementary in his comments about DP, and I love the story of his famous nine-years-old “baptism of fire” at our ‘73 concert in The KB Halle in Copenhagen, but if I was asked to be involved in a “Mark III” reunion - (which, by the way, I haven’t. All I ever said was that the idea had a few good points and a few not-so-good points.) - and I indeed considered that offer, I would not be able to even imagine it without the presence of Ian Paice.
By the way - I have NOT retired!
Love, and as peaceful a new year as possible, to all of you.
Asa ca... zvonul respectiv este 100% fals... si inca odata, presa ar trebui sa invete ca "nu tot ce zboara se mananca".

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